AI, as we all know it, has brought a boom in the market. In fact, it has slowly started taking over various sectors. For some, this new technical advancement has become a blessing, while for others, this might not be the case.
Artificial Intelligence, however, has unquestionably transformed the way professionals work. From healthcare to finance, from marketing to manufacturing, employees have started recognising the need for AI.
If we talk about the presence of AI in leadership development, it has definitely made a huge difference. With the significance of AI, it has become efficient in shaping and enhancing leadership skills and training.
But before we dive deep into it, let us first take you through the basic understanding of Artificial Intelligence.
What is AI

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is an advancement of computer science that can perform tasks that require human intelligence. All this is done based on data and algorithms. For instance, with the help of an AI tool, you can write content, create videos, prepare presentations, and the list goes on.
AI systems are designed to process and analyse large amounts of data, identify patterns, and make predictions or decisions without an explicit framework. Although AI is not 100% current all the time, it usually does provide you with the results that you need.
Roles of a Leader in the Corporate World
Now that we understand AI, it is important to know the roles of a leader. This is a crucial step before we dive into the AI competencies that your organisation needs.
A leader is the backbone of any company. His responsibility does not end with managing teams and getting goals. In fact, there is a lot more to it that people usually forget.
To become a great leader, it is important to make sure that you tick off the following from your checklist:
- Communication skills
- Mentoring and coaching skills
- Team building
- Visionary strategist
- Crisis manager
- Embraces change
However, the list can be too long, but the before mentioned are some essential skills that make an employee a leader.
Creating Competencies with AI for Effective Leadership Development
Creating competencies with AI includes benefiting from AI technologies that can change your organisation's leadership.
In order to develop AI competencies for leadership development, you need to follow the below-mentioned process:
Identifying Leadership Competencies
Before we get into the process, the first step is to identify the competencies an organisation needs. This can include effective communication, emotional intelligence, decision-making, ideation, strategic thinking, and so on.
How can AI help with this?
Artificial Intelligence can help your organisation analyse job descriptions, industry benchmarks, and historical data and figure out the most relevant competencies for you.
Data Collection and Analysation
Now that you know your needs, it’s time to collect information about it. Data collection is a tiring job, and then analysing all of it can be tedious.
This is where AI makes your life easier. With the help of AI, you can not only get the data you need in minutes but also analyse it as per your needs.
Where you might only gather the information from limited resources, AI gets it from employee assessments, feedback, reviews, and many external sources.
Developing Personalised Plans
After understanding the needs of your leaders, you can now create plans that are fit for every individual. AI can suggest the best-fitted coaching and training for each individual based on their strengths, weaknesses, and competencies.
With a plan in hand, you can get customised training for each individual rather than purchasing one program that isn’t for all.
Feedback and Assessment
Your job doesn’t stop at getting the training and programs. You also need to keep a close eye on the ROI. For this, you need to gather feedback from your team. Additionally, timely assessments can also help you measure the changes in your leaders.
AI can help you with the entire process, from preparing the feedback forms and assessments to creating reports based on the outputs.
This can help you see if the programs or trainings are really worth the money.
Summing It Up
Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into leadership development represents a transformational leap towards more effective and personalised leadership development.
AI-powered tools provide the ability to identify, measure and train leadership competencies more accurately to your organisation’s needs.
By leveraging data-driven insights, personalised development plans, and continuous feedback, organisations can empower their leaders to excel in an ever-evolving business environment.
AI has the potential to reshape leadership development into a dynamic, practical and inclusive process that prepares leaders to meet the challenges of the future.
If you are looking for people who can help you integrate AI into your organisation, you can get in touch with Originbluy. Our experts not only help your employees at work but also at every stage, from recruitment to employee exit.
Authored by Gouri Maheshwari. To learn more about Originbluy, send us an email at